Conservation Commission Public Meeting
Town Hall – 25 High Road
Tuesday, March 1, 2010 at 1:00 pm
Meeting opened at 1:02 p.m.
Present: John Hartnett, Les Jones, Dan Streeter, Chairman Doug Packer, Ed Deardon
Excused: Worthen H. Taylor II
Certificate of Compliance:
Margaret Stokes (7 4th St) – Order of Conditions File No. 050-579 for an addition; Chairman Packer conducted a site visit on February 25, and found the project to be in substantial compliance and recommends a certificate. Mr. Jones made the first motion to accept and Mr. Hartnett made the second motion; all in favor.
Steve Smith (104 Old Pine Island Road) – Order of Conditions File No. 050-487 to re-construct single-family dwelling and replace septic system. Chairman Packer conducted a site visit on February 25, and found the project to be in partial compliance and recommends the certificate for the septic replacement. The applicant has filed a new application for construction of a new dwelling. Mr. Jones made the first motion to accept and Mr. Hartnett made the second motion; all in favor.
Extension Permit:
Janet Fraser & Mark Drobnis (71 Newburyport Tpke) – Chairman Packer stated that the project, conditions nor the Regulations have changed, and recommends the issuance of an Extension Permit. Mr. Hartnett made the first motion to accept and Mr. Streeter made the second motion; all in favor
Other Business:
- Stephen Bandoian (41 Annapolis Way) – proposed changes to plan due to an appeal from DEP. Representative Bill Decie from Kairos Environmental shared that his client changed engineering firms from Hancock to Oak and the changes where submitted to Nancy White at DEP. The following was the agreement that was made with DEP:
- The Building Inspector’s opinion would be premature at this time.
- Omitted garage parking within existing foundation
- Not in Velocity Zone
- Walkway on south side has wooden steps. North walkway filled with sand to grades similar to N/S of it.
- Revision date change.
- Update planting area.
New plan has reduced impact, same footprint. Mr. Decie has not heard back from DEP as of this date. The Commission agreed by vote to accept and place the new plan on file with the Commission stamp. The first motion was made by Mr. Jones and the second motion by Mr. Hartnett; all in favor.
2. Conservation Seat Recommendation – after considerable time and evaluation, the Board would like to recommend Jim Cunningham for the open Conservation Seat to the Board of Selectmen.
3. Open Space & Recreation Plan – Mr. Streeter shared that the Open Space and Recreation Plan has been updated based on some of the feedback provided by the Commission. He’d like to ask the Board to take a final look at the plan and provide any additional feedback during the March 16th Conservation meeting in preparation for a Conservation recommendation to the Board of Selectmen.